Birthday Haul!

Guess what? I turned 18 today! I can vote! I can buy lottery tickets! I am no longer protected under youth laws! Woohoo!
I wasn't even supposed to get presents until March, but my mom went to the States and picked me up a bunch of amazing goodies from Basin White, the fancy bath store in Disney World.

 Now onto the good stuff...
These are all the beauty items I got for my birthday! I also got food, some accessories and a beautiful necklace.

You know how they say that if you're not obsessed with something, all you'll get for your birthday is fancy soap?
Well, I'm obsessed with fancy soap. I love me some bath time.

First up is the stuff from Mom!

This is expensive stuff, y'all. My jaw dropped.
The bath salts smell like lilac, coconut and pecan-honey respectively. They're gorgeous and I can't wait to try them out.

This body butter is Oatmeal Honey Scented, and it doesn't smell like Oatmeal Honey. It smells very... white and elegant and delicate. It's very rich and actually feels like butter- you have to warm it up with your fingers- but it's not greasy and doesn't leave a white cast on the skin. I love it. I've made myself a rule for project finish-it that I will use my Bath and Body Works lotion on my lower body, and this on my upper, because I don't want to not smell like this for a second.

Sorry for the sideways picture, but this is a body scrub scented in Satsuma, which is one of the Body Shop's most popular scents. I'm excited to use this too- it smells so much better than my Burt's Bees one!

LUSH goodies from the airport!! I've never tried LUSH before! :D

The right is from my mom- it's a massage bar in Each Peach. It's pure magic and so relaxing. It smells amazing, peach and citrus are my favourite scents and this bar combines the best of the two! She also got me the decorative tin to go with it. <3

On the right is a bath bomb from my grandma (who went on vacation with my mom). It is the Honey Bee (honey is my other favourite scent) and it's huge! I'm debating on whether to cut it in half, or fully enjoy it in its rich, delicious glory.

Next is this giant stack of adorable bath bombs from Basin White, courtesy of my grandma! Aren't they sweet? They all smell like candy! Which one do I use first?!

I got this stuff over the weekend with my dad, along with lots of clothes and some coconut butter! I've been wanting to try the NYX HD eyeshadow base forever, but I'm saving it for when I'm done all of my current ones (which will be a while).

I also got 10 dollars from my friend Jen, a Roll Up The Rim free coffee voucher from Kassidy, and lunch courtesy of my friend Lauren! My sister got me a beautiful sparkly infinity scarf and is going to make me a DIY eyeliner holder (she does amazing DIYs- check out her youtube channel, she's doing a giveaway this Saturday!  )

I'm glad to be 18! And I'll be the most pampered, best-smelling 18 year old on the block. ;D


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