Snoop my Stash: Haircare

As you can probably see from this blog, I am not a lady who cares much about her hair. My sister's hair is gorgeous, long and always impeccably styled, but I'm just not about that. As long as it's reasonably combed I'm good.

That being said, here are the hair products I've accumulated over the past year or so, mostly as gifts! I keep them in this little basket.

L'oreal Professional A-head glue: Okay,  I'll be truthful- I do love this stuff. It is basically glue for your hair, as the name implies. I use it mostly for cosplay.

Oscar Blandi Dry Sculpting Pomade: I found this for a bargain at Winners the day after I chopped off all my hair. Then, I loved it, but it's not very effective for hair as heavy as mine, and I don't like the strong perfumey fragrance.

Tresemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo: The cheapest dry shampoo out there and the bane of beauty bloggers everywhere; why do I still have this?

Dove Style+Care Styling Gel: Truth be told, I've had this for months and haven't even opened it to try it once.

Herbal Essences Set Me Up Mousse: Everyone hates on HE and while I can't stand their oversexualized ad campaign, I do like this mousse. It adds just the right amount of body to my hair and looks natural.

And my other stuff.

Two brushes- one is copper-plated to minimize dandruff, and the other has something in it to calm down static. Surprisingly, the static one actually does its job!

And the mess of hairbands and clips that I binge-buy at Ardene's. I had a huge headband phase last year. 

Hope you've enjoyed this romp through my tiny haircare collection! What else would you like to see?


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